Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 19 January 2014


A collage I finished this morning.
I love the colours.
After three days of not receiving any phone calls from Freddie, the hospital rang me to say he was rather unwell, they were 'concerned' and 'keeping an eye' on him. And 'doing their best'.
You can imagine my concern. My son visitted yesterday afternoon and then Freddie himself finally rang me. 'I couldn't speak to you as I had an oxygen mask on!'
He has had a bad chest infection and felt very ill.
Thank God he is on the mend again. He rang me this morning to say he was feeling better and had eaten his breakfast.
I am hoping to visit him at last, maybe this evening.
Please keep him in your prayers.
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Netty said...

Love your beautiful collage June, but am sorry to hear Freddie had a set back, but thankfully he is getting better. Thinking of your dear lady, hugs Annette x

Annmarie said...

I love the colors too! Hugs to you & Freddie. So good that you're finally going to get to visit.

sheila 77 said...

How worrying for you June, but it sounds as if Freddie is getting better, so that's good.
I love all the transparent layering you have done in this attractive picture, I haven't worked out how to do that yet.

Yvonne said...

Oh this is so beautiful!!!
XOXO Yvonne

Brenda Brown said...

Beautiful faces June, this has a very ethereal feel to it.
So sorry to hear Freddie hasn't been well, but thank goodness he is feeling better hope you find him better still when you go and see him.
hugs {Brenda} x0x

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

Your collage is beautiful, June, and I'm so glad Freddie is feeling a bit better. Must have been so scary for you...

Shane Pollard said...

Dearest Junie
Oh I'm so sorry to hear Freddie is in hospital.... I feel awful i haven't popped in to see you before this.
It's good news that he can talk to you on the phone now.

It's a beautiful collage - thank goodness you have you art - it's a wonderful outlet for all sorts of reasons isn't it.

Much love and prayers for you both.
Big warm hugs
Shane XOX

Bill said...

Very soft and beautiful! I left a note on Facebook about what I think Freddie is really up to.