Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Forgetting Room...

Here we are at the eve of another year. What mysteries, magic, 
troubles and woes will the next one hold I wonder......
We all manage to weather the storms somehow, large or small.
Most are of no importance at all so I put them in my 
Forgetting Room, lock the door and let them disappear.

This is the first New Year I shall see in alone. Freddie has
been in hospital 7 weeks now and I still have no idea when
he'll be home.
Life goes on...order groceries.... prescriptions....heating oil..
whatever.... it's been a bit of a struggle with this bronchitis
and more than usual pain. Still I am thankful for my family, 
my little dog, and all my wonderful friends in Blogland
and on the WWW! You give me strength!

I send you all my love and thanks,
June xxxx


Annmarie said...

Happy New Year, June. May the new year bring you happiness & health. Freddie too - hope he comes home soon. Hugs to you all.

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

June, you have so many friends and admirers here in blogland (me among them!). We enjoy your art so much, and wish you the best always. I wish you and Freddie a healthy and happy New Year. (and i love the idea of a "forgetting room"!)

From the Kitchen said...

The "forgetting room"--what a good idea! I wish you and yours well and look forward to our visits in the coming year.


Jez said...

I love both of your pieces of artwork, the little girl among the snowdrops makes me think it is an illustration for a fairy tale that should be written. I know what you mean about a walk in the clouds - it is on my favourites list on the shelf, and it's like the way I love Keanu for some reason with his serious face, though I did see him smile once.
I hope that 2014 brings an improvement in the way life has been treating you, and that Freddie will be home soon.
Oh, and I like the Forgetting Room.

Anonymous said...

June........your 'forgetting room' is a good thought. Nothing you can do about the circumstances of life but to forge on. You're a smart woman!
As the new year approaches, I am reminded (like you) of my online friends whom I don't keep in contact with like I should.....but of whom I think of and hope are well.
Please know you are among those that have a special place in my heart.
Warm hugs and tell Freddie I send my best as well.

Pat said...

Happy New year, June. I hope it brings you and Freddie back together, in good health. xx

Christine said...

Now I'll have to get me a forgetting room too! I wish I could hug you, dear friend...