Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Friday 6 December 2013


Just look at the mess the water leaves behind when the tide recedes a bit. This is the bottom of Blakeney High Street. The flood was on a par with the 1953 flood, which I remember well.

Floating debris

Blakeney underwater.

My family went down last night to watch the awesome destruction of the sea just in our village. The waves were pouring over the bank like a waterfall and the Duck Pond has completely gone.
My grandson said it was like watching the end of the world.
I feel gutted especially for Cobo who has worked so hard for years to make our Duck Pond so beautiful with thousands of pounds worth of ducks.
I spoke to him a while ago and he had been down to see the damage and is now trying a rescue operation as the black swans are walking about the street. 
I  fear there won't be many of the ducks left as they will have drowned.
We were without electricity for a few hours but many are still without.

This devastation has happened all down our East Coast with many homes either lost or flooded. People have had to be evacuated and they must dread what they will find when they return home.
Nothing is worse than the mess left behind after a flood like this.
I feel so sorry for them but thank God I don't think there is any loss of life.

Take care everyone,
June xxx


From the Kitchen said...

So sorry to hear this June. It has been in our news here in the U.S.. I hope your village, and all those affected, get the help you need to set things right.


Netty said...

so much devastation June. When we lived in Lowestoft we had the same problems, all through the winter we had sandbags outside our house. Annette x

Judy said...

I had just read about the devastation on the Norfolk coast on the BBC world news site and immediately thought about you and your family, June.
Thinking about you, keep well and hoping Freddie will be home with you soon.

Bill said...

How absolutely horrible! My parents lost everything they owned in a flood, so I know how devastating it can be. They were never able to fully recover from it. I'm so glad you are alright!

peggy gatto said...

I am so sad for all here, I was unaware. Sending prayers and good thoughts to all.