Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 7 February 2013

Colour my Memories..

Something simpler today. Sometimes our memories seem sad and grey, just like this picture.
So we've got to lift ourselves up, dust ourselves down, and add a little colour to them. Think of something brighter...A fun day at the beach...shopping when you had birthday money to spend...or  even meeting a new grandbaby for the first time!  I'm sure you all have lots of colourful memories.
I was so happy to phone my cousin in Malta yesterday, to wish her happy Birthday and catch up with a little bit of news, about family and grandchildren etc.
I visited with my new doctor this morning. I like him very much. He has upped slightly my dose of medication, hopefully to ease lots of pain.
Then I went on to Chapel. This time I didn't take Algie as I went straight on after the doctor's.
He cries a lot when I leave him Freddie says. The fencing is working fine so he's been busy outside.
But my Goodness, you never saw such a muddy, dirty little dog when he comes in. He looks as if he's wearing black boots! And his footprints are everywhere!
                                                                           Have a lovely day,
                                                                                     Love and Hugs
                                                                                                  June xxx


Jester said...

So beautiful and poignant, June.

suziqu's thread works said...

Good morning dear June
You keep drawing me back here and I am so glad you do as I am always inspired to see your latest piece of creativity like this Faith in Colour my Memories.
Such a beautiful image on a gorgeous understated background.
It is only helpful to draw on the positive memories for health, healing and happiness!
I am so glad to bring you some lovely images to look at June and that it helps to bring some light and joy into your world.
Love and hugs,

1CardCreator said...

This is lovely, I hope the new strength medicines help lift away the gray. ~Diane

Deborah Verhoeven said...

I hope you are feeling better soon.

Isn't art just the perfect thing for a grey day? You lose yourself in colors and shapes, and the day doesn't seem so glum anymore.

Curtains in My Tree said...


I was surfing around some blogs I have never read and read your comment on a blog, that's how I found you

I like to say Hi to someone new once in a while. I love in Missouri USA

I read you have a sweet little dog

hope your new doctor can help work miracles for you


Jane said...

Dear June. So true about the grey memories, and you made a beautiful image. Wish you ll the best !

Electra said...

This is beautiful June, and your words make it even more so.

Bill said...

Wonderful contrasts! Winter does tend to make us feel extra gray. But Algie sounds like a bundle of fun. Our daughter left her two small dogs for us to take care of again, so that means 6 dogs running in and out of the house. That's just plain crazy! Especially with the snow and somehow managing to find a little mud to track into the house. I love animals, but I think we have a few too many.