And here's the postcard I've made for the Sunday Postcard Art's challenge this week, which is Rusty barns. All photos Googled. I started with the rusty barn as a background and overlaid it with a picture of some sort of wheeled machinery found in an an old barn. I loved the found rusty mailbox.
Thank you so much for looking. xxx
Fantastic!! :-)
Many kisses!
Rusty is WONDERFUL! I like the added elements you used and the overlay to give the piece a sense of being in the country! Well done, June. I'd stop the car and take a photo of that one!!!
Gorgeous collage June!!! Love the rusty mailbox and all the other special details you've added!! Your new blog header is Fantastic!! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Nancy xx :D
Love the overlay effect, June, certainly caught a rustic atmosphere here, great card!
Whoa June, you certainly know how to give Mona a whole set of different faces! Really love the Boleyn version, it's perfection!!
Even though the sky is blue this has a really melancholy feel. Don't think anyone's received a letter here for years. Lovely!
Totally fabulous postcard, June!
I am a lover of old barns, don't know why . . . this is terrific!
Thanks for your recent visit to my blog Ü
Happy creating,
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