Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Three Muses Challenge..Spring..

This is my collage for the Spring Challenge tomorrow.
I've gone for brighter colours and a bit of whimsy in this one.
It matches my blog header, all from the same kit.
Thank you for looking.xx

I've also given you this darling baby bunny for a little springtime treat.
Everyone say...'Aaaaaaahhh!'

I'm posting this today as my son is fetching me early tomorrow and taking me to Norwich for dental surgery so I won't have much time on here. Hope to see you all on Thursday.xx

Many people will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

Eleanor Roosevelt.


Ozstuff said...

Hi June - I came here to see your hats for TAW and enjoyed this preview of your spring piece for TM tomorrow. It's absolutely gorgeous and the bunny is precious. Beautiful artwork as always.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the surgery, June! I'll be thinking of you.
Thanks for the darling bunny and the colourful spring piece!

Unknown said...

You just have no idea how long I said Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh! June, lol! Because bunnies really are my favourite animals! They're too sweet!! Love your new blog header and collage, super cute! Good luck at the dentist, I'll keep my fingers crossed! Hugs, Ira x

cheryl said...

oh Hun,bless you hope you will be okay sweetie and once again Hun thank you so so much for that amazing book,sweetie it really was a very special book,hugs Cherylxxxxx

Deann said...

I love your darling Spring!

Bill said...

I've been sick for several days, but these cute pictures definitely made me feel better and smile! I hope your dental work went well.

Sim said...

Juvenile & cute spring June!
and "Haaaaaaa!" :)
Good luck for your dental surgery!

indybev said...

Aaaaaaaahh! Lovely whimsical tribute to Spring.
I hope your dental surgery goes well and you're "back in business" on Thursday. By the way, when I googled LK Perella for the Digitalmania challenge this week, the first item that came up was by Junibears!

Lori Saul said...

Such sweet imagery- beautiful and thoughtful. I hope your surgery goes well and you are back at it straight away!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness its adorable!!! :D

Electra said...

Aaaaaahhhh! You're right, June, both your header and your new piece are so whimsical!

mary.kg said...

Bonsoir June !
DE vives couleurs pour une image de printemps ! Les petits animaux sont charmants et le petit lapin vivant adorable !
Bonne fin de soirée !
Amitiés Mary.kg

Judy said...

Cute & colourful, June, your bunny is a darling! (as long as it isn't in my garden!)
Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, too.

romance-of-roses said...

First of all hope all went well with your dental surgery, sometimes we can't avoid these things. So very sweet collage, yes it does match your header. You do fantastic work and the little baby bunny too precious, makes me want to hold him. Hugs...Lu

Brenda Brown said...

How lovely to see such beautiful bright Spring colours in this fabulous collage June. Thanks for staying with me through the last few months. I finish work tomorrow and can then come back to blogging again.
I hope your dental surgery goes well today.
hugs ~ brenda ~ xox

Taluula said...

Trust you, June, to give us such special and beautiful interpretation on Spring.

Maelchen said...

Aaaaahhh - there you have it, dear June... Your sweet bunny and the colourful images really give me a "spring mood". Greets, Manu

teri said...

Just like spring - chalk full of whimsy. Sounds like you could use some bunny love... I hope your surgery went well!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Your digital piece of art makes me feel happy. And the little bunny is really cute :)