Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Thursday 1 March 2012

Birthday Girl..

It's my baby's birthday today. The sun shone on the day she was born
and I think almost every year since it's always a sunny day on her birthday.
Sending you love, hugs and kisses my darling. xxx


Nikki (Sarah) said...

A huge happy birthday to Sally and I feel the same about my girls. It's great being a mom......

Sarina said...

Congratulations on your daughter's birthday.

From the Kitchen said...

I hope you both enjoy this special day!


Nancy said...

A Very Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!
Nancy xx :D

Patti said...

Happy birthday to Sally! Hope her day is filled to overflowing with love and joy!!

Daughters DO have a way of bringing sunshine into our lives, don't they? (Sons too, of course!!)


Brenda Brown said...

Many happy returns to sally. Doesn't she look like you?
Enjoy the end of the week.
hugs {brenda xox

Chris Arlington said...

Wow June, she does look like I imagine you did at her age. No doubting who Mum is.
Wishing her a lifetime of happiness.

Yvonne said...

I see uch a resembalance, June!

Faye said...

June, she looks like a younger version of you!!! Very lovely.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you Sally (although I'm a bit late I still would like to wish you the best). Boy, you girls look so much alike June! Sweet!

Maki said...

A special day and a beautiful daughter, dear June!!!

xoxo, Maki

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday to your beautiful daughter!