While I was in Steampunk Mode last week I did this. It's a very dear and old friend and I thought I'd give him a New Look. I hoped Martin wouldn't kill me for messing with him but I think he rather liked it! I think the long curls suit him!!!
I'm not usually on the computer at 3am. but my little heart flutterings woke me to a room bathed in moonlight. I knew I was wide awake so after taking yet another pill I came on here.
I guess I overdid it a bit yesterday.
Richard went up in the roof for me and hauled down boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations which we had a rummage through. So now I look a bit more Christmassy. There are a few baubles on the little tree though Richard was disappointed he couldn't find the fairy with the black eye. She sat atop my tree since he was a small boy. I guess she just upped and flew away......
So I have a tiny glass fairy sitting on top, with a very small mohair teddy guarding her.
Beside the tree is my little house with twinkling lights at every window. A few more lights and ornaments and my crib greets everyone who comes.
While all this was going on, Freddie sat in the kitchen chuckling at our 'doings'!
In the afternoon we had a visit from some old friends. With tea and cake and choccy biscuits we had loads to chat about, including family histories and tales! Wonderful but a tiring day for me.
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Love and Hugs
June xxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS YAY!!!!!!!!!!! My followers has reached 150! I don't mention you half enough but I am so honoured you choose to follow my blog. Welcome and many, many thanks.xxx
Sounds like a lovely day, June. You had a fairy with a black eye? We have one with a black tash! We're getting ours out this weekend.
Will you show us your Christmas deccies, would love to see them?
That has to be the most unique beard I've ever seen! Yay for steampunk!
Loving this image you've created, such fun. You obviously all had a great day yesterday. x
This is a delightful bit of steampunk, June. I bet he loves not having to shave his beard!
Wondering if you're OK. It's Friday and there's no sign of you at Digitalmania!
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