Today I am showing you Lukey, Martin and Freddie's little rescued dog. He has been nicely trimmed and stripped for Christmas, toenails clipped and all. He sits there like a contented, plump little plum pudding! What a happy, lucky little dog he is!
My Sally also has two trees. This year she is not putting her treasured glass ornaments on as the whippets are very boisterous and she forsees there might be breakages.
My sister Jackie usually has three trees and her home looks like Caesar's Palace, with all the lights and decorations.
However you decorate, a lot or a little, I wish you a happy week.
June xxx
Cute plum pudding!
Love your latest headline piece too, June xx
Lukey is so cute! How wonderful to be rescued. I'm very jealous of Freddie's beautiful piano. I may as well say I'm jealous of his Isadora, too. Wow!
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