Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Take a Word Challenge....Beauty....

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
We can see it everywhere......... In a bird or a butterfly,
a raindrop or a rainbow.
In faces.....of loved ones..of friends...from childhood to old age.
It shines through their eyes from deep inside....to be stored in our 
hearts forever.
So many things I could have pictured in this challenge but I
chose just two things here........
Thank you so much for your visit.
Have a wondful day full of beauty.

Juine xxx


Karla B said...

June, this is lovely!She is pure beauty!

sirkkis said...

A happy, lovely - and beautiful art piece.
Have a happy next week, June xxx

Judy said...

A great choice of beautiful elements, June!

Christine said...

Wise words, dear friend! And a lovely collage as usual.

Sim said...

I love your words dear June!
And your artwork too, for sure!
These colors are so sweet, these elements so elegant...
(I hope you and Freddie are as well as possible :)

Bill said...

The matching rose blush on her cheeks beautifully ties the collage together. Wonderful work!

indybev said...

I love your description of beauty, June, and I like the two items you chose for your art. It's a beautiful piece.

Anni - My Creative Life and Mixed Media Books said...

June your collage is so beautiful put together, lovely images and flowers.

Electra said...

Beautiful word and art from you June!

Taluula said...

Wise words and beautiful lady, Miss June.