Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Three Muses Challenge....Friendship.....

The challenge subject this week is Friendship.....
Here are two Journal pages I have made digitally,
with two favourite quotes from favourite authors....

Yesterday I met our new baby Beau for the first time.
He is 2 weeks old today and has gained just over a pound in weight.
Rebecca looks so well and the baby is just perfect, thank God!
What a joy to hold him, feed him and watch the little expressions
 on his face. To feel his tiny perfect fingers grasp your finger.
I am so thankful.

Thank you for your visit.

Love and Hugs

June xxx


chrissie said...

Beautiful pages with lovely quotes

Chrissie xx

Sim said...

Marvelous quotes and beautiful images June!
(All my sweet thoughts to Beau).

indybev said...

Both pieces are beautiful, June. I especially like the quote on the first, and have saved it to use for birthday csrds for my friends in the future. Nothing like holding a wee one to make you feel all is right with the world, is there? !!

Bill said...

Two beautiful quotes for two beautiful colleges! Friendship is definitely a trust. It's often difficult to trust others.

Karla B said...

Gorgeous art and quotes, my friend!

RambleOn aka pam said...

Emerson is one of my favorites as well... both portray a soft warm friendship, is that you coming through?? :) Very lovely indeed!

Taluula said...

Both are fantastic pieces, June, but the poem on the first is especially beautiful.

Taluula said...

Both are fantastic pieces, June, but the poem on the first is especially beautiful.