Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Three Muses Challenge..Spring..

The Three Muses Challenge is Spring and what it means to us.
My first thought of Spring, is it was my Mother's Birthday, March 21st.

I hope you like my pictures this week.
Thank you for looking.
Love and Hugs
June xxx


sirkkis said...

Absolutely lovely pictures, June. Especially I love the beautiful picture of you and your mother. You are such lovely ladies. You have made the background so beautifully, too xxx

indybev said...

What a lovely photo of you and your Mum, June, and beautifully presented. I hope Spring brings good things to you and Freddie!

Taluula said...

Both pieces are really lovely, June, but my favourite has to be the one of you and your mother ... just gorgeous.

Faye said...

Love your spring piece and the gorgeous photo of you and your mother (both beautiful women).

Sim said...

You're pretty good at digiscrapping dear June!
Your mother looks fantatic! :)

Rika said...

Wonderful take on the challenge!

The Gossamer Tearoom said...

Happy Birthday to your Dear Mother and Happy Spring to you, whenever it shows up!!! Beautiful work!!!


Sophie said...

Liebe Juni....
lange, lange war ich nicht mehr auf den Blogs.
Sorry, ich hatte mir eine Auszeit genommen.
Ich freue mich wieder was von dir zu sehen.

Herzliche Grüße von Sophie

Karla B said...

Adorable, June!