Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 25 March 2014

3M...The Age of Steam..

The challenge on Three Muses is to create something with Steam.
My mind immediately turns to Steampunk.
So here is my collage for the challenge.

I hope there is enough steam to satisfy! LOL!
Thank you for your visit.

Love and Hugs
June xxx


sirkkis said...

She is stunning and there is steam enough. Wonderful collage, June.
Have a sunny day, however;) xx

Ozstuff said...

A gorgeous piece of steampunk, June. The lady looks positively school-marmish and steamy!! Superb.

johanna said...

an incredible amount of steampunky elements! i hope everybody enlarges not to miss them!

Netty said...

wow your collage is wonderful, June.
Annette x

Deann said...

June your fabulous Steampunk never ceases to amaze me this is awesome my dear...so beautiful.

Christine said...

You are a master of the steampunkery! Lovely as usual.

indybev said...

This is great steampunkery, June. Your lady is lovely all punked out!

Bill said...

Now that lady knows how to wear her steampunk! Plus she's ready to fly away at any time. Great collage!

The Gossamer Tearoom said...

Dear June,
I just love the very stylish young lady in your collage! I would wear glasses like that! Very cool!


Karla B said...

Gorgeous work, June!She's amazing!

Taluula said...

Oh yes, a perfect amount of steam going on here. Bravo.

Sim said...

Wouaouh! this is a classy steampunk lady, if there is any!
Beautiful collage dear June! :)