Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday, 2 August 2015

A Series of Three..


bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

These are stunning, June! Each one has such depth and richness.

Annmarie said...

wonderful! Love them all, but especially the first one. Must have been fun putting all those things in her hair.

Deann said...

So very beautiful my dear. Have a sunny, happy week.

Marfi-topia said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous work!! Love these:-)

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Hello dear Junibears

You are the Queen of the digital imaging - these three are beautiful.
I can't begin to imagine how you go about making these images - do you use a program like photoshop?

It's so long since I've visited - I'm going to read through some older posts now to see what's been happening and how things are.

love from the far flung land of NZ

Karla B said...

So beautiful June!

junemac2 said...

Each one is superb. Stunning work as always June x