Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Sunday 16 February 2014

TAW Vintage...

A Soldier's Dream of Home.
I think you all know Vintage is one of my very favourite styles of
picture to make. So this is my contribution to this week's
challenge on Take a Word.
Looking forward to seeing all your vintage pics too.
I hope my friends in the UK have survived the horrendous winds we have
had and not too much damage done.
It nearly took me off my feet as I struggled with overturned rubbish bins
and the contents scattered every which way! Algie thought
it great fun but I was in agony.
Strong winds always affect my FM and arthritis.
Thanks for your visit.
Love and Hugs
June xxx


sirkkis said...

June, your vintage art work is so lovely. Home is an importat place for we all. You have succeeded to create just right feeling of it.
Hope you are in safe and well there in these stormy times.

sirkkis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Analia Cristina said...

I love the vintage pictures,very nice!!!

Netty said...

wow June love the magical feeling of this beautiful piece of collage. Take care, hugs Annette x


Bill said...

Definitely a beautiful vintage collage! I've been hoping you and Freddie were fairing alright in the UK storms. There were pictures of the flooding on the news, and it looks terrible over there! I'm so glad you are surviving, but sorry you are in pain. Must be time for a hot toddy!

Deann said...

You always create the most beautiful vintage pieces June you're the vintage master.
I remember all my friends in the eastern U.S and across the pond in my prayers...you have had a horrendous winter I hope you stay well and warm.

Judy said...

An amazing piece, June, so beautifully crafted!
So sorry to hear of the pains your wild weather is causing you, do hope there is an improvement soon.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love the nostalgic feel of this collage. Blessings!

Taluula said...

A gorgeous piece of vintage collage, June. Love it.

Yvonne said...

Beautiful vintage collage, June!

indybev said...

What a beautiful vintage piece! So glad the winds didn't blow you away. We'd all miss your beautiful art!!

Anni - My Creative Life and Mixed Media Books said...

June your vintage collage is so beautifully made with all the different elements, so much to look at.
Hugs Anni

Karla B said...

June, this is magical!Lovely work, my friend!

Sim said...

Happy you are safe dear June!
I love your vintage and wistful collage.

Karla B said...

Fascinating piece. So romantic and delicate!

Patti said...

Hi Sweet June,

It's been a hundred years since I've been by your blog. Although I still have my classic film blog, I deleted my "beautiful things/decorating" blog many months ago, and when I did that, I lost all the blogs on my sidebar. I thought I followed your through my Blogger dashboard, but that doesn't appear to be the case. So, I am now "following" you again.

It's nice to see that even if the world is constantly changing, you are still making your beautiful collages.

Hope you are well.
