Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 10 April 2012


Well for a start here is my little ray of sunshine looking the worse for wear! Skyela is the child who broke her arm some months ago. She still thinks she can fly on a trapeze without a safety net! She is OK now but she shows no fear and she's still only 2! Thank God it was no worse!

And here is my collage for the challenge on Collage Obsession. They asked for something sun related and as a starting point I found this gorgeous happy child on Google.
Thank you for looking.
Have a sunshine day!
June xxx


Zue said...

Skyela is so cute and she looks all set for her next adventure!

Lovely artwork too...it gives a lovely warm and sunny feel!

From the Kitchen said...

Oh dear, a two-year old with bravado! So glad your sweet Skyela is o.k. and only sporting a bandaid!!

By the way, I love your "header" collage.


Anonymous said...

Lovely sunshine, June!
Your little daredevil is a cutie!

Brenda Brown said...

She's going to be a fearless risk taker as she grows up June, but that's good.
Love both your rays of sunshine today.
Have a good week.
hugs {brenda} xox

Eila A said...

June, your piece is full of sunshine! And may little Skyela have fun without trying to fly - she's a real darling!

Unknown said...

Poor thing, but I can't help but love a high spirited girl like her ;-) Your collage is so sweet and serene, love that photo! Hugs, Ira x

Daniella said...

Poor Skyela! I am so happy she is fine!! I think she needs a permanent net, because I see more bumps and bruises in her future!! LOL!! What a doll for sure!!
Your collage is stunning darlin'! You are awesome!!

Jane said...

I'm glad Skyela is fine now , 2 /3 years olds are terribly 'dangerous'' ....no fear at all. Your collage is so beautiful , filled with sunshine and joy ...a happy collage !

romance-of-roses said...

Hi June, thank you for visiting. Sending Skyela good wishes for a good recovery. My daughter also broke her arm when she was around 3 or 4 and had a cast on for six months. Sunshine is lovely. Hugs...Lu

Judy said...

Oh, bless her, June, happy to read that all is well now!

Lynne said...

Lovely heartwarming images.

Miss Hillbilly said...

And I thought Stephen was accident prone!

Electra said...

You can feel the warm sunshine on her soft skin!