Thank you dear friends and followers for your visits, for your love and prayers for both myself and Freddie.
I really appreciate you taking the time to call in, view my artwork and leave such wonderful comments.
Sending you all love, hugs and blessings,

June xxx

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Sad Song..

Sad Song.

I had a browse yesterday and found a Russian site with pictures
of modern hand made dolls and I was so taken by these sad little
faces. What brilliant artistry! I had to use them.

* * * * *

I had a quiet day on Sunday. My son couldn't come over as he was preparing to go
back to work yesterday. He's in a different department and got on well.
I did manage to get to Chapel on Sunday night which I enjoyed.
A beautiful morning yesterday but a hard frost. My darling granddaughter came over
and did 4 hours work in the garden again, very well wrapped up. She worked so hard
and did a wonderful job, weeding all the flower beds on hands and knees.

The district nurse called to dress Freddie's feet and while here she gave us both
our 'flu jabs, including swine 'flu this time.

This morning has beautiful wall to wall sunshine again but a very hard frost.
We'll see what today brings......

Thank you very much to all of you for leaving such wonderful messages
about my work. 95% of it is done to please me! LOL! but I'm so glad
you like it too.
I'd also like to thank those dear people who have joined my Followers list.
I can't believe I am now up to 80!!

Wishing you all a brilliant day.
Love and Hugs
June xxx


Yvonne said...

Oh, June, these little dolls are GORGEOUS and you have done such a beautiful background to match!

Katie said...

Those dolls are amazing- I love those sad faces. great find!

Netty said...

Oh wow you have done a wonderful job with those tragic doll faces. Its marvellous June. Take care both of you, Hugs Annette x

Kim B said...

Those dolls are so cute, such a funny face to them. I really enjoy all your art work and its wonderful how art brings us happiness. Glad you got to church and how sweet of her to weed the flower garden. Have a lovely week :)

Bill said...

Their sad expressions seem to only intensify their pale beauty. The background you designed is wonderful!

Christine said...

I love what you've done with those sweet doll-angels. Perfect.