June needs our prayers as she is struggling to look after an ailing Mother and a sick Dad. It's so difficult trying to keep up with everything so I'm sending my love to June as she goes through this hard time in her life.
I am off to Chapel this morning and I am leading the Service. I've prepared a tiny gift for everyone, an Advent text and picture, laminated so they can use it as bookmark. I woke very early as I often do but felt I had had a good night. The house is dark and quiet, with Freddie and Corey still fast asleep. I like my quiet times in the early mornings.........a little me time.
I have discovered a new blog and a new friend. Just a slip of a girl but we have something important in common. Our love for this county of Norfolk. I always say it's God's own county!
She is exploring 50 Norfolk beaches and has started near to where I was born.
She has three connected blogs which I hope you will visit. Her name is Diane Shortland.
Her Live for Leisure blog talks about laughter therapy among other things. Read her '25 things to make her happy' and I found it was almost a double of my 25 things!
She has a wonderfully happy style of writing and I'm sure you'll all enjoy it.
Tell her I sent you! Please cut and paste http.dianeshortlandliveforleisure.com/
(I've had no success recently making a link!! Grrrrr.!)
oh just this is just brilliant just adore what you have created here and just seen your post below too that is just brilliant he he thinking of june too,hun she really is haveing it tough,bless her heart,will pop over to the blog hun and take a look hugs cherylx
ps hun to link when you right a post,just,click on the,web page you want to,link to,then write it in your post,highlight it,then click the link button at the top of your post,a box comes up with the blog you want to link to,and you just click okay and its done,hope that helps hugs cherylxxxxxx
I've done all that several times Cheryl but it won't work for me. Thanks anyway. Hugs xx
I've copied her blog address and will go take a gander. :O)
Hi June,
What a beautiful collage as always! I am so
sorry to hear that June is dealing with so much!
I will stop by and leave a note and add her in my prayers tonight- dealing with my own Dad's illness and impending death from his cancer is hard enough for me- and I am 2000 miles from him I can't imagine having both parents ill at the same time!
The gifts you made for your church members shows your love for them and your beautiful art work! You are truly an amazing person!
Hugs from me!
I love that you made little gifts for everyone in your service. How sweet!
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