It's Chris Arlington! When she was a beautiful 12 month old!
Chris is a very dear friend, a lovely lady and one of the very first friends I made when I started my blog. Do go and see some of Chris' work. Tell her I sent you! I hope you like her Collage.
Chris has also directed me to Lynn Stevens' blog, Trash to Treasure Art. It's wonderful and Lynn is having a huge giveaway to mark her three year blogaversary. I hate to send you there really, as you'll lessen my chances of winning something! LOL!
Hugs and love
June xxx
Aww thank you so much June. My Mom would have loved this. She said the photographer had a devil of a time getting me to sit still and stop laughing. I have printed it and will frame it.
Big Hugs, Chris
Posh new banner, June! Really fantastic!
And I had no idea a 12 month old could have that much gorgeous hair!
At a year old, my hair was scarce as hen's teeth! LOL
Happy Sunday!
I don't know Chris, but it certainly is a cute collage!
This is so pretty. What a lovely page about a lovely little girl!
Such a darling page. I saw it over on her blog.
Thank you so much for posting my giveaway. I have entered you in the surprise dawing as well. Best of luck.
hugs Lynn
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