Freddie now has cellulitis in his 'good' leg. We have extra anti-b's for him to take, a nurse to come in every day to give an injection and he has to go to hospital again on Monday for a check and they'll probably keep him in for a few days. I suspect he will have to have an intravenous drip. Last night he felt quite low, hardly surprising.
I went to the surgery yesterday morning for fasting blood tests, just a regular check for my medications. (I did miss my breakfast!!)
Dear son and DIL came over and we went out to lunch but I was not feeling my best, however glad I was to see them.
I feel as though I'm struggling to keep my head above water at the moment. My life is a struggle and I'm finding everything hard to cope with at the moment. I send my love and sympathy to others who are struggling with similar and worse scenarios. Nobody said life would be easy.
I thank God for my caring family............
Hi, June. I'm so sorry you and Freddie are going through challenges right now. Please know that I am thinking about you often and wish you both well. I'm glad your art helps distract you; I find it does the same for me at difficult times. This collage is a beauty! All your art brings such enjoyment to others (especially me!).
Take care,
Hang in there June. We all love you & Freddie & our thoughts and prayers are with you.
I wish we could sit and have a nice cup of tea with scones. I think the English definitely have that right. It's a beautiful thing to share with friends. Please know your online friends care.
Haven't been ablog much lately..sorry to hear things are so hard. We are losing older relatives we love much too fast lately. The garage construction is lagging badly. Having good friends and family is a blessing for sure. Think of you often! Your art does give me great pleasure. Hugs deb
Loving your wonderful collage June. Sometimes it all gets too much to bear and you have had a very difficult year my friend. Somehow you will find the strength to overcome all these stresses and strains. I will pray for you. Hugs Annette x
It's times like this that it is so good to have family and friends. I am glad your son and DIL took time to be with you. I'm sorry you are feeling this way, just know old friends and new, we are all here for you. Wish I could give you a big hug! Todays 3 in a garden are lovely. Hopefully they will remind you that you are never truly alone. Hugs, ~Diane
My prayers to you and your family. Cling to God, He understands and will give you comfort.
June, my friend, know that my thoughts are with both you and Freddie, and ( wishing you well. Also if you ever feel like a chat you know my email address and I will be happy to hear from you.
Thank you all so much for your messages and kind words. I am so blessed to have friends like you.
June xx
I just am catching up here. Seems that your week is not going as nicely as it should. When it rains, it pours, doesn't it?
Please know I'm thinking of you and sending you some good warming and loving hugs your way. This too shall pass. How wonderful, tho , that your family is close. That is a blessing indeed.
Oh, June, I'm so sorry. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
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