HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Stanley Richard. I am being taken over to see him tomorrow for a proper celebration!
I have not given you a photo of him, instead I've chosen to show a picture of my beloved Grandmother. It's a photo manipulation and hand coloured in Photoshop with my mouse.
She was so beautiful but she never had the chance to wear silks and satins, long gloves and carry a bouquet so I've given her that chance in this collage. What do you think?
Another reason for a Happy Day....what the postman has brought. A record collection of Christmas music, songs and Carols by my favourite old crooners, Francis Albert, Bing, Dean, Perry and the like. Gorgeous!
PLUS a Christmas tree! Three feet tall, covered with tiny white LED lights. No wires for me to trip over, battery powered. Ready for me to string a few gold beads around!
My darling cousin Freddie thought I needed cheering up and this would put me in a Christmas mode! Thank you sweetheart! He's the brother I never had! how lucky am I?
Lucky indeed! Happy Birthday to Stanly Richard too and, do enjoy your Christmas medley of songs - must be time to dig out my collection too!
Seasons Greetings
oh hun good for you,I too have lights with batteries,saves triping over all those wires,just love,your collage hun just beautiful hugs cherylxxxxx
Your grandmother looks positively queenly! She has such a royal dour look on her face. :^)
What a lovely thoughtful cousin! Following lately but not much posting..life is way too busy lately.
I love how you have given her a proper set of clothing. My gmother was a simple woman who never wore silks either. Beautiful piece, June.
I love the way you dressed your dear grandmother! I'll bet she is just beaming at the lovely dress! And your Xmas tree sounds perfect!! I was just thinking I needed to buy an extension cord...
Lovely lady and love the way you manipulated the picture, it's fabulous. She must be so happy. It looks like photo was taken this way. Hugs...Lu
Wonderful piece and so special June. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x
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