I think she borrowed them from Cindarella!
Thank you for looking.xx
We have just come home from the funeral. Fortunately it didn't rain and the sun shone. My
navigator actually earned some Brownie Points as he found a shorter way. However the narrow country roads were like switchbacks with tree roots. My poor little car must have wondered what had hit it!
During the last hymn, a burst of sunlight came through a side window and sent a beam of shimmering light to dance upon the deep red roses on the coffin. They absolutely lit up.
A touch of magic on a sad day........
Oh, you have the upper class pink elephant, June :)
That is the most wonderful elephant I've ever seen! So sorry the glass slipper didn't fit, though. What a bummer.
Funerals are always so sad, but how special to have a burst of sunlight shine through! Light always gives us hope.
Loving your beautiful collage June especially the way you've dressed the gorgeous elephant........ x
Such a sweet and well-dressed lady elephant! Even without the slippers!
Your elephant has quite the beautiful outfit on!!! And the story is sweet.
Kismet today, I think, with the sun ray.
Warm hugs to you......Jan
Sad about the funeral, however your elephant is cheery and colourful, well done
Wow, I love it that the sun shone on the flowers on the coffin, isn't that marvelous. Love your elephant June, I save elephants. A friend once told me they have to have their trunks up??? Anyhow, I go to Thailand with hubby in February and I want to have a ride on an elephant. xxxxxx
I can see the smile on the elephant's face....she is thinking
I'm so pretty. Love this.
I am growing fond of elephants lately. Love this. Glad the funeral was better than it could have been.
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